Current Biennium Information
The Current Biennium runs from April 1, 2024 - March 31, 2026
Continuing Education Requirements (total of 40 required each biennium)
Podiatric Physicians initially licensed and renewing a license for the first time have different continuing education requirements.
For more information, go to the First Biennium Renewal for Podiatric Physicians page.
Required Subject Area | Required Number of Hours | Important Information |
General Hours | 36 | Includes Scientific Hours |
Laws and Rules | 1 | Laws and Rules brings licensees up to date on the laws and rules of the Board of Podiatric Medicine and the regulatory agency under which the Board operates. |
Medical Errors | 2 | A medical error has been defined as an unintended act (either of omission or commission) or one that does not achieve its intended outcome, the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended (an error of execution), the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim (an error of planning), or a deviation from the process of care that may or may not cause harm to the patient. |
Risk Management | 1 | Risk management is defined as the identification, investigation, analysis, and evaluation of risks, and the selection of the most advantageous method of correcting, reducing, or eliminating identifiable risks. |
Safe and Effective Prescribing of Controlled Substances | 2 | As of July 1, 2021, per s.461.007(3), F.S., required for all Podiatric Physicians to complete for each renewal. The 2-hour course is included within the 36 total general hours required. |
Human Trafficking | 1 | Per s. 64B18-17.001(8), F.A.C., each licensee or certificate holder shall complete a 1-hour board-approved continuing education course on human trafficking. The one-time human trafficking course shall apply to all licensees and is required of new applicants in their first renewal biennium, as well as, of licensees renewing to active status if the course has not already been taken. The 1-hour course is included in the 36 total general hours required. |
HIV/AIDS | 1 | No later than upon first renewal, all licensees must demonstrate completion of a continuing education course approved by the Board on the topic of HIV/AIDS. The 1-hour course is included in the 36 total general hours required. |
All actively licensed podiatric physicians must obtain continuing education that contributes to the reduction of risk in the practice of podiatric medicine and the advancement, extension, or enhancement of professional skill and knowledge in the field of podiatric medicine and the licensee’s understanding of the regulatory law and rules which govern the practice of podiatric medicine. The continuing education that contributes to the advancement, extension, or enhancement of professional skill and knowledge in the field of podiatric medicine, must focus on subjects that are primarily scientific in nature and of significant benefit to the podiatric physician on a post-graduate level.
All licensees who seek to renew the active status of their licensure must demonstrate that they have completed, during the previous two years (biennium), at least forty (40) hours of continuing education. For more information on continuing education required for license renewal, see Rule 64B18-17.001, Florida Administrative Code.
FPMA advises members to avoid attending continuing education courses required for licensure/relicensure/MATE training that are not offered by a statewide professional association of physicians accredited to provide educational activities and are not approved by the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine. It is best to check CE Broker for course approval by the Florida Board of Podiatric Medicine PRIOR TO registering and taking a course for continuing education. |
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Additional Information Concerning Continuing Education
- Licensees may complete up to three (3) hours of continuing education per biennium in the area of Practice Management. Practice management is defined as the development or mechanics of establishing and managing an office, including enhancement of patient care, insurance issues, and working with managed care programs. It does not include methods of increasing business profits, marketing of podiatric services, investments, or financial management.
- Within each license renewal biennium, a licensed podiatric physician must complete a minimum of thirty-two (32) hours via live in-person or live interactive virtual events of professional continuing education. A maximum of eight (8) hours of continuing professional education may be earned from courses involving home study or anytime courses. See Eight-Hour Rule.
- Up to four (4) hours per year, total of eight (8) hours per biennium is allowed for Hospital Scientific Programs. For additional information, see Rule 64B18-17.003, Florida Administrative Code.
- Residency Programs in Podiatric Medicine - Podiatric physicians enrolled in hospital-sponsored residency programs for a year may be credited with fifteen (15) hours of continuing education for each of no more than two (2) years.
- Up to four (4) hours per year, total of eight (8) hours per biennium is allowed for attending FPMA Component Meetings (attending an FPMA component meeting earns a MAXIMUM of 1.0 Scientific CECH per meeting).
- For active licensees in good standing, up to ten (10) hours of pro bono service may be counted toward the required continuing education for the biennium in which the service was provided.
- Find out about Ways to Earn CECH.
- Course completions submitted to CE Broker are used to determine that licensees have met their continuing education requirements at the end of the effective license renewal period.
MATE Training Requirement for DEA Licensure Renewal or New Applicants
Click HERE to access information about this training requirement for all Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-registered practitioners
Additional Information Concerning Licensure
- Current licenses expire at midnight, Eastern Time, on March 31, 2026.
- Access information concerning Licensure Fees.
- Access information about the License Renewal Process for Podiatric Physicians.
- To ensure you receive your renewal notification from the Florida Department of Health (DOH), your current mailing address must be on file. For instructions on updating your address, click HERE.
- Failure to renew an active or inactive license by the expiration date will result in the license being placed in delinquent status.
- Failure by a delinquent licensee to renew before the expiration of the current licensure cycle renders the license null and void without any further action by the board or the department.
- A licensee who remains on inactive status for more than two consecutive biennial licensure cycles and who wishes to reactivate the license may be required to demonstrate the competency to resume active practice by sitting for a special purpose examination or by completing other reactivation requirements.
- Licensees requesting to reactivate their license from inactive or retired status are required to pay additional fees and comply with specific continuing education requirements. Please contact the board office at to request your reactivation requirements.